We are very excited at Compatible Care for the launch of our new website!
We have been working very closely with our friends at Alyka on the webpage design and had a lot of fun with the crew from Scene Team to capture some amazing photos. Being a family oriented business, we decided the best way forward was to involve our family and friends to be a part of this photoshoot. We all trekked off to Northbridge for the day and captured some beautiful images as well as a lot of fun and bloopers!
Our aim for the day was to capture the essence of who we are so that you, our valuable clients, have insight to our passion and sense of belonging, care and dedication to quality service delivery. We also had some lovely volunteers who joined us from COTA WA and from the community and what a ball we all had.
Over the next few months we will share some of these moments with you that will give you an understanding of what we represent and will demonstrate to you our motto – "Working Harmoniously Together!"